
API Reference

Elasticsearch Reference Refresh

Developers want concise API documentation that makes the logical organization and key conventions of the API easy to understand at a glance. The API documentation in the Elasticsearch Reference (last accessed 5/2018, version 6.2 current) does not meet those criteria. The content is not well structured, and meshes conceptual information about Elasticsearch product fundamentals with API reference. The documentation obscures the power of the software.

Download my notes on a proposed refresh of the current Elasticsearch Reference.


5-Minute API Introduction

As a developer, I collaborated with a colleague on the design and development of an API that exposed rich Google-style query parsing and search functionality. When the API was released (with MarkLogic Server 4.1) we co-wrote a blog post for the MarkLogic developer site: 5 Minute Guide to the Search API. The guide includes supplemental sample code in an importable developer workpace. The code sets up a database environment, seeds it with sample documents, and provides queries to run and modify alongside the tutorial.

This post was well received and did a good job of orienting developers with a hands-on introduction to the API; some additional detail on working with complicated options would have been a good follow-on.

Tools Overview

I was involved as a developer and later manager on development of a set of MarkLogic Server configuration and monitoring tools and APIs. When the features were introduced, we provided a blog post (co-authored with Erik Hennum, expanded over time by Erik and other authors to cover new features) for the MarkLogic developer site: The Inside Story — Configuration and Status Information.

This post initially focused on just the APIs (with sample scripts) and the Configuration Manager interface; later expansions covered related tools. As the scope expanded, its effectiveness in introducing any one part of the tool kit has diminished.